Un exceptionnel zircon photochrome de 9,89 carats


Féodor Blumentritt(1) & Franck Notari(1)


We were fortunate to observe and analyze a remarkable 9.89 ct zircon showing a strong color change from vivid orange to dark brown after longwave ultraviolet illumination (excited state). Its color comes back to vivid orange after being kept in the dark at room temperature for several months, or by heating the stone up to around 100°C for a few seconds. The color shift is reversible. These characteristics are typical of what is called a T-type photochromism phenomenon. Our spectroscopic absorption analyses showed that large bands at 510 and 800 nm are involved in the process, but their assignation is yet to be unraveled.  We were fortunate to observe and analyze a remarkable 9.89 ct zircon showing a strong color change from vivid orange to dark brown after longwave ultraviolet illumination (excited state). Its color comes back to vivid orange after being kept in the dark at room temperature for several months, or by heating the stone up to around 100°C for a few seconds. The color shift is reversible. These characteristics are typical of what is called a T-type photochromism phenomenon. Our spectroscopic absorption analyses showed that large bands at 510 and 800 nm are involved in the process, but their assignation is yet to be unraveled. 


Nous avons eu la chance d’observer et d’analyser un remarquable zircon de 9,89 ct montrant un changement de couleur prononcé de l’orange vif au brun foncé après une illumination aux ultraviolets longs. Cette pierre reprend sa couleur orange vif après avoir été conservé dans le noir et à température ambiante durant plusieurs mois, mais également après avoir été chauffé autour de 100°C durant quelques secondes. Ce changement de couleur est réversible. Nous résumons ici les premières analyses de l’un des plus grands zircons présentant un photochromisme de type T. Nos résultats en spectroscopie montrent que la présence de bandes larges à 510 et 800 nm sont impliquées dans le processus mais leur attributions doivent être confirmées.

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(1)GGTL Laboratories Switzerland, 4bis route des Jeunes, 1227 Genève

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