Revue GEMMES, cinquième numéro, Printemps 2025

C’est avec beaucoup de fierté et de joie que nous vous annonçons la sortie du cinquième numéro de la revue GEMMES. Au sommaire de ce numéro, vous retrouverez les contributions de Boris Chauviré, Thierry Pradat, Éloïse Gaillou, Marie Chabrol, Franck Notari, Chloé Picard, Marine Bouvier, Jean-Pierre Gauthier, Féodor Blumentritt, Anselme Arsac, Elise Chemla, Hector Yaiche, […]

Les perles de Saint-Gingolph

Jean-Pierre Gauthier (1) & Martial Bonnet (2) DOI : 10.63000/gQ6XF78wb5 Abstract THE PEARLS OF SAINT-GINGOLPH – A short history reports on the manufacture of « Perles du Lac » in Saint-Gingolph (Switzerland), produced from 1920 until the workshops closed in 1974, then resumed in 2020. The basic materials are essentially a solid glass core, covered with fine […]

La vie intime des pierres

Charline Coupeau (1) & Marie Chabrol (2) DOI : 10.63000/mX7zMA958i Abstract THE INTIMATE LIFE OF STONES – A Through the study of ancient and contemporary texts, this study shows that the links between sexuality and mineralogy are more tenuous than one might think at first glance. Throughout History, human being has felt a form of […]

Inclusions d’apparence trapiche dans une obsidienne de Jalisco, Mexique

Jean-Pierre Gauthier (1), Jacques Fereire (1) & Stefanos Karampelas (3) DOI : 10.63000/P4QF7CM88Y Abstract TRAPICHE-LIKE INCLUSION IN AN OBSIDIAN FROM JALISCO, MEXICO – A cabochon-cut obsidian from Jalisco, Mexico, shows two white spherulitic inclusions on the surface, one of which was sectorized into four domains, the other into six, thus simulating a trapiche structure. This […]

Revue GEMMES, quatrième numéro, automne 2024

C’est avec beaucoup de fierté et de joie que nous vous annonçons la sortie du quatrième numéro de la revue GEMMES. Au sommaire de ce numéro, vous retrouverez les contributions de Féodor Blumentritt, Aurélien Delaunay, Éloïse Gaillou, Charline Coupeau, Marie-Laure Cassius-Duranton, Marie Chabrol, Maxence Vigier, Franck Notari, Clara Allirol-Mouton, Stefanos Karampelas, Emmanuel Fritsch, Chloé Picard, […]

Acheter un bijou ancien : pourquoi & comment ?

Gemmologie & Francophonie Abstract Buying an antique piece of jewelry is – often – buying a piece of history and sometimes even a fragment of the History. Sentimental, historical and even financial value are often associated with the notion of lifespan. And yet, the materials used for jewelry are sometimes less precious than the contemporary […]

L’antlérite, une nouvelle espèce gemme

Aurélien Delaunay (1), Emmanuel Fritsch (2) & Ingrid Lerouyer (3) DOI : Abstract In a batch of variscite, one sample stood out because of its slightly different color and texture. Laboratory analysis showed that it is an antlerite, Cu3(SO4)(OH)4 a rare mineral that is generally better known in mineralogy than in gemology. This specimen […]

L’œil de Sainte-Lucie

Thomas Cagniard (1), Jean-Pierre Gauthier (2) & Jacques Fereire (2) DOI : Abstract Highlighted by popular belief, the eye of Saint-Lucia is a biomineral, which is of undoubted gemological interest by its nature and through its use. As gastropod operculum of the species Bolma rugosa, its name is not protected and may have been […]